Saturday, January 21, 2017

Will the human civilization ever be utopian

Will the human civilization ever be utopian?

The name “utopia” (meaning “no place”) presumes that a utopia cannot be a place. A utopia can be an imaginary place.

A utopia is not a place but is an idea and, as such, it exists in the human mind. Utopia concerns an idealized human behavioral model. It is a blueprint of society. As a model, a utopia is a yardstick to measure features and capabilities of an existing or planned social system. Economy. Taxes, Government. Religion. All topics are fair game for discussion. Topics are fair game for exclusion too; one must not invest excessive time on non-essential features.

As a model, a utopia provides enough of a blueprint that one contemplating human behavioral systems has a tool set for thinking. Figuring out substantive reasons why some human or group’s utopian idea won’t work creates obvious questions. Why not? What could we do more of to further the outcome? What should there be less of?

Having identified one variable. Are there others? Are they correlated or independent? Are there whole defective systems that must be gutted to make a utopia work.

A utopia is not an outcome, in the sense of saying, “we eliminate poverty” or proclaiming “there is war no more”. Such sayings define outcomes. The very outcomes themselves are subjective and subject to interpretation.

A utopia is a model of a working social system which provide goods and services. A utopia explains “how” such a system will behave and what constraints are necessary to assure the behavior comes into being and persists. That it fills its niche and delivers its product in a time affordable and money cost-effective manner. That is contains no hidden social pathology.

My credentials on this topic are that I wrote a book “Newland 2084” about a future world of stable population. Local sustainable communities at the scale of 12,000 humans provide militia scale order. Human producer and consumer cooperatives provide basic human needs. 0% interest loans are available for basic needs, education, housing. NO PREDATORS Everything is decided by changeable (LivingVote) democratic 60%+ vote on an issue by issue basis. NO POLITICIANS. Profit is shared with cooperative members in the form of patronage. I write at Newland Cooperative | Facebook and Newland Coop.

Thursday, December 29, 2016

Money and Time

Is there enough money in the world for everyone to have enough? If so, how would it affect the economy if everyone did?

Besides on hand currency, money as owned by the common people, is nothing more than ones and zeros stored inside computers. Positive and negative numbers. These positive and negative numbers are stored inside banks are the property of the bank. The negative numbers represent the monetary value of assets owned by the bank. To the extent that negative numbers in the form of loans are stored inside those banker’s computers, the associated property is owned by the bank. The person’s future positive income numbers are used to offset negative loan numbers.

Economies will always operate. If we need a currency, we can use rocks as long as our society agrees and accepts the rocks in exchange for goods and services. In the age of instant information provided by computer networks, buyers and sellers meet one another in an electronic market. Given the immediacy and persistence of information, barter economies in the modern age could work. The currency of a barter economy is comprised of products and time.

The question itself masks deeper issues. The fundamental issue is human time. Is there enough demand for human time so that everyone is able to earn money. As demand for human time decreases because of automation, where will the jobs come from?

Suppose we were to create an economy based upon the value of human time. I invest forty hours per week which established my value in the market. I am the producer of 40 hours of productivity. My time is banked and only converted to money when I have bills to pay. I pay taxes when my time is monetized. If I need to borrow extra money it is available at zero percent (0%) interest rate.

Solve poverty by lending people money and expecting them to pay it back from future monetized time investment. The book “Newland 2084” these topics and proposes a workable solution to Poverty.

Dystopia to Utopia

Is there a word for an art style or world setting that looks like cyberpunk but is utopic as opposed to dystopic?

I wrote a book “Newland 2084″ which is classified as sci-fi cyberpunk utopia. Previous discussions led me to conclude that the words “cyberpunk utopia” don’t make sense together. This answer offers insight into the words “cyberpunk”, “dystopia”, and “utopia”.

Wikipedia says Cyberpunk is a sub-genre of science fiction in a future setting that tends to focus on society as "high tech low life" featuring advanced technological and scientific achievements, such as information and cybernetics, juxtaposed with a degree of breakdown or radical change in the social.
An observer of earth events today would find rapidly changing information and technology juxtaposed with a breakdown of social order. Everything is changing at a fast pace. It is the fast exchange of information that is the root cause of the dissolution of the old order and the creation of the new.

Assuming that the world behaves as a dystopic pretty much everywhere on the planet, the transition to a future world where utopias have the opportunity to emerge in a localized manner.

THE PROBLEM is in the words themselves. Assume we are now at an intermediate stepping point in the timeline of civilization. Everything is falling apart. All of our systems appear to be broken or fast becoming so. The people of the United States and elsewhere are working to make sure that the world gets put back together in a better form. That is where we are.

The root problem is easily visualized on a two dimensional graph with a dystopia being in the lower left origin point of a mathematical function starting in today’s dystopia and moving it to the right over time and upwards in the progression away from today’s dystopia towards utopia which in a goal somewhere vertical axis.

The word “dystopia” presumes disorder and progression along the horizontal time axis until order appears, order increases, sharply upward for a time as order increases to a point and then levels off. Order approaches utopia but seldom attains it. Social disorder decreases on the pathway to utopian class order.

THE ANSWER is that we are moving lots of broken systems from their current state into a future operating state that makes better sense. Every system has to get broken before it can be put back together. When enough things become broken enough and then put back again, a new and better operating forms gets built.

We are on our way as a species towards the Golden Age of ancient prophecy. The computers and the information itself are the vehicle that gets us there in most ways. We anticipate a new world where the top-down order and control hierarchy must give way to an emergent system. The deep connections at the social media layer of organizations become the new order. Control signals from above are respected but the order emerges from the bottom.

Human time is the fundamental driver of social order transformation. Capital buys human time. Without human time and energy invested the system does not run on time. That is the way it used to be.


The search for an attention grabbing genre leads to the conclusion that “cyberpunk” is the means of transforming the current dystopian into a utopia. Therefore the best distinctions might be.
  1. Sci-fi cyberpunk - classic definition
  2. Sci-fi cyberpunk dystopia - the beginning state
  3. Sci-fi cyberpunk transition, transformation, of emergence
  4. Sci-fi cyberpunk utopia - the final stable state

Sunday, December 25, 2016

Learn Skills

What hard skills should one learn to maximize a positive impact on the world?
  1. Reading skills. Writing skills. Math skills. Science skills. Puzzle skills. Game skills. Brain skills are the foundation of having a self-directed intentional positive impact on the world. Brain skills have a positive impact on you. Become the idea person whose active imagination is always coming up with some new way to solve an old problem.
  2. Develop body skills too. Yoga is a great way for the body to let go of the brain. Sports are another. Go for walks and take pictures. If you are a woman take a course in self defense. Learn CPR and first aid. If you are an old person take a martial arts skills course in using a cane for self defense. Whacking somebody with a cane tends to get their attention. Learning to whack somebody with your walker is a bit over the top.
  3. Polite listening skills. Learn when to keep your mouth shut and listen to what someone is saying. Learn when to turn off the inner ego driven mouth piece that is forming gratifying words while half listening to the speaker. Listen to what they are saying. When your speech is interrupted, stop and listen. When you listen and watch, they are giving you information. Process the information carefully. Learn to observe the speaker’s body language and facial expressions for coherence with the words being spoken.
  4. Learn to ask good questions. Learn to speak well. Learn to apologize when necessary. Learn life lessons from the apologies you give.
  5. Develop an emotion vocabulary. Learn to calm your emotions. Pay attention to yours and to others. Learn empathy to deal with situational life. Learn compassion. Learn love.
  6. Pay attention to your dreams. Dreams often hold the answers. Answers will pop into the consciousness from the subconscious. In its most fundamental form life is about processing information. Discounting information from your subconscious may be unwise.
  7. Develop team working skills. Few long lasting positive impacts on the world can be implemented alone. Develop a sense presence. “I am here so things will be better.” Tighten the reins on the ego, which is the driver of getting things done.
  8. Meet people. Be watchful for serendipity. For example, you have wracked your brain for days when, in a chance encounter, you meet someone who gives you the answer. You meet someone who gives you some new narrative that changes your narrative. Why? When you meet somebody for the first time ask yourself why. Why this person? Why now? What information is exchanged? If you keep drawing a blank, pay extra attention to the next item.
  9. Find your higher power and tap into it. Learn instant forgiveness. Learn how to pray. Prayer is good because it helps order the brain. It is sometimes the trigger to the answer you need. Ask for what you need. Give a thankful prayer for what you receive. If you don’t know what to call yourself spiritually, become an Agnostic.
  10. Addiction tends to reduce ones positive impact on the world? Learn to recognize addiction in yourself. If you enjoy it and no harm comes to you or to those around you, then enjoy your addiction. Freedom gives every human that choice. Learn to stop addiction cold turkey. Learn to ask for help when you can’t. Learn to recognize addiction in others. If you think your kid might be using drugs get them in for a drug test. If you want to have a positive impact on the world, start there.

Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Innovation Meaning

What Does Innovation  Mean?

Innovation involves imagining a new, high utility and non obvious way that people and organizations can do the things, that they do every day, in a faster, safer, more efficient, or cheaper way. Patent your idea. I recently bought one independent claim filing for $10,000, U.S. dollars.

Innovation means that as the USA economy opens the doorways to small scale, entrepreneurship solutions delivered to market. Learn about 3D printing because you will use it for printing up a prototype of your invention. Look into makerspaces as places to learn how to make prototypes, by brains on and hands on learning.

Create a co-operative with like minded people to help you further your invention. Newland Cooperative of Minnesota Newland Coop seeks to host idea people inside co-operative incubators where they can meet time investors with the requisite skills to help out getting the idea off the ground. Social media is powerful.

Everybody shares in downstream idea income so they each get repaid for their time investment, based upon their overall level of involvement. Checkout my blog for additional information. LynoMN at blogspot.

World One President

What would happen if the world had only one President?

A position of one president does not make sense in the modern world. We are quickly replacing top down command and control hierarchies. Top down governance and control is giving way to technology driven bottom up innovation, entrepreneurship, and innovative democratic control solutions. (See LivingVote governance solution)

Emergent solutions. Bottom up governance. Social order and control is moving to the bottom of the organization. Organizations are defined by the deep social connections made down in the social media layer of society.

In the 2016 election in the U.S. the governance model flipped upside down. Top down one world order solutions have lost their footing. They establishment continues to close ranks against Trump. Bottom-up governance of local solutions will prevail, more so than ever before. The longer bottom up social behavior continues to build, the more political inertia they will gain. Eventually top-down hierarchies will wither. The people will thrive in Western style democracy.

Sunday, December 18, 2016

Keep Journal


Learn to keep a journal. Use a bound journal. Number and date each page. I always use odd page numbers on the left and even on the right. I write and draw two page spreads. I prefer a wire bound center that unfolds to 8.5 x 11″ paper size for easy photocopying.

Use lined paper and print your lettering so others can read it. Keep track of all ideas of things that might someday be a patent. Talk about things you would like to build. Important lessons you have learned. Odd little facts and such. Learn to draw your ideas. Patents require drawings and writings.

Keep other people’s private info elsewhere. Don’t put your personal info in your journal because you must be able to share your journal with friends.

Keep a couple pages in the back to note significant pages you have produced. It will be an index you will use many times.

Hand write a story that explores a world you want to write about. Hand write and draw your book. Work out some characters and such. If it is good type it up and get it printed. I have used CreateSpace with excellent results.