Friday, August 26, 2016

Why Choose a Co-operative Model

Why Choose a Co-operative Business Model?  There is a new economy emerging from the myriad of new small businesses choosing to build build their future on co-operative principles of each owner having an equal vote in business democracy and principles that divides profits based on time invested in the co-operative endeavor.


Thursday, August 11, 2016

Free Trade Manufacturing

Free Trade for Manufacturing

What Must We Do?

Donald Trump articulated the case that the Congress and President branches of the U.S. must renegotiate all our free trade agreements. We must create necessary tariffs to re-balance trade. We must favor creating higher paying jobs for U.S. manufacturing workers. In a few sentences Trump put the trade and high paying job connection issue onto the political agenda and forged the connection between the two. Sanders followed suit. Some of Sander's followers forced the issue into the Democrat agenda. Clinton followed suit. Trump is the observable leader of the political pack on the issue of trade and its iron-clad tie to high paying U.S. jobs.

Think about it for a moment. Trump is proposing that it must become a primary mission of U.S. governance policy that there be fair tariffs imposed to make sure that equivalent paying or higher paying jobs remain on U.S. territorial soil and water. And while we are at it, lets funnel the tariffs into better educating our displaced workers. Let's use the tariffs to put a safety net under those displaced workers by paying some of their bills in lieu of having their lives destroyed by the higher interest demanding creditors and predators.

Trump is our nation's only hope of restructuring our economic systems to undo the havoc wreaked upon the U.S. economy by our most recent lineage of both the Democrat and Republican candidates and incumbents in office, for decades it seems. We must assure Obama's legacy falls into Trump's hands! Otherwise the U.S. is screwed as a nation for more decades of trade and tariff failures.We need a man who will change everything that needs changing; change it once and then make adjustments.

How Do We Do It?

The remaining text is the author's opinion of how the tariffs can work. It is written as council for creating useful and easily communicated narrative on the topic of how the tariffs should be implemented. 

Cut Taxes and Increase Spending

Cut taxes and increase spending; increase the velocity of money; The increases velocity amplifies the currency flow rate multiplier. In order to diminish some resulting mathematical bifurcation "catastrophe", the currency markets must be partitioned in such a manner that currency flows must targeted into closed system funds, such that, for example money advanced at 0% interest for education must ultimately be repaid back into the education fund only; If funds are blended, the system breaks down.  

Closed Cycle Money Funds

Put in place separate closed cycle zero percent interest systems for constrained education expenses, child care expenses, housing expenses, health care co-payment, and so forth. These products and services are delivered on behalf of loan fund members in good standing, to independent third parties. Everyone must present a state issued ID to participate.

Take Over All Existing Debt At Zero Percent Interest

Pull all the high value student loan debt into zero interest advance accounts. Setup similar accounts where the poor can get limited housing advances to pay for utilities, rent or mortgage, and so forth. Every adult on earth can imagine scenarios where, but for the lack of a zero interest advance payment, for a pair of glasses or cataract surgery, a suffering human might have received a miracle into their life. Never pay credit card interest debt. Never provide a direct or an indirect conduit to cash.

Everyone pays it back or their income stream is garnished and managed for them. Otherwise co-operative members may choose to direct sufficient income into their money management fund to pay day to day previously approved expenses. This technique reduces predatory debt recovery harassment techniques.

Impose Fair Tariffs

Imposing fair tariffs sounds easy in concept and complex in implementation.  This is not true and is, in fact, quite the opposite. Imposing fair tariffs becomes a matter of establishing the amount of human time involved in manufacturing the item. That's all. Just the time spent by workers.

EXAMPLE: Item costs one hour of human time for manufacture. Material costs become a non-essential factor, for complex reasons. The value of one hour of a 3.0+ GPA college graduate in the United States is $24 USD per hour. In Malaysia an equivalent human hour is worth $3 USD per hour. Therefore, the difference between the U.S. dollar value and the Malaysian U.S. dollar equivalent is $21. Therefore the one manufacturing hour item's tariff is $21 per item, payable into the closed system manufacturing fund.