This answer is in response to the Quora question I have an invention idea but it's out of my hands to ever do it. How can I sell my idea?.
Newland Cooperative of Minnesota and the book “Newland 2084” deal with how an idea person can help bring a patent claim or any creative product or idea to market by joining in a membership cooperative. Newland Cooperative of Minnesota is an incubator cooperative. It contains a recursive set of membership based cooperatives, one of which is associated with your invention. When your invention grows up and generates income, that income is shared in a manner fair and beneficial to all concerned. You, those who directly helped you, those co-ops who helped you.
Your co-op will be spun off to operate under its own accounting books once it generates taxable income. If your idea includes franchisees, they will all pay a royalty share of their gross income to your cooperative and your co-op recursively does likewise to its parent, all the way to the top. A share of the profit and a share of the royalties flow to the parent co-op or co-ops in a predetermined share arrangement, per a democracy of the co-op membership, subject to rules within each co-op. The minimum royalty from the first dollar of gross income is one part in seven-hundred-twenty parts share of gross income as royalty.
Everybody pays a small gross income royalty back into the Newland Royalty Fund. Your cooperative does. All of your ancestor and descendant co-op pay royalties. Every active Newland co-op pays its royalties. Royalties are based on a share of gross income, which is a transparent factor.
The starting principle is that a group of inventors, writers, artists, and so forth decide to pool their ideas, patents, copyright, and trademark rights inside a cooperative business. They become members of the Newland Cooperative of Minnesota.
If your invention looks worth developing further it will get members interested in your endeavor in their various social media feeds. Others will will want to become members of your virtual co-operative. That means other inventors, writers, artists, musicians, actors, engineers, materials specialists, prototype builders, lawyers, social media specialists will sign up to help with your invention.
Time investors will flock to your idea. We will vote. Your idea has become our idea, as a virtual co-op housed within Volunteer will invest time in your effort. Time will be recorded by time invested on task working on all aspects of getting our product to market. As income from sales of your invention arrives it will pay for approved time investments, they will pay expenses and the profit is distributed as patronage, based upon the amount and value of the time invested.
Once you have received your share of the profit and your cup is full, the excess of your cup flows to those most directly involved until their cup is full. The flow of a blockbuster movie fills many cups, initially as transparent royalty income up to their hourly rate and then in the tail of transparent royalty income of residuals.
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