This answer is based upon the Quora question Is the United States an example of an Economic Utopia?
A “Utopia” cannot exist in real space and time because the meaning of the word is “no place”. A utopia is a vision. It lives inside the human brain. The vision of a utopia can be spoken, written down, or presented in some producer work. Another human can hear, read, or consume the utopian vision. Utopia requires easily understood rules. It requires communication from one human brain to another.
At the level of our Constitution, we are not a utopia now because of direct taxation of the people. We need an Amendment to our Constitution to abolish Income Tax and replace it with a 10% Sales Tax. It must be a universal gross sales cost that is applied to every currency transactions and has no exemptions. No VAT tax. Rich or poor person. Beggar or investor. Government itself. Church donations. Mortgage. Food. Utilities. Stock market trader. Private jet buyer and flyer. Food, Clothing. If money changes hands taxes are owed. Swapping mass or energy based products is taxable. Other swapped transactions owe taxes on gross sales. If unpaid human time is swapped, no transaction cost are implied. Sales Tax is not collected on time swap transactions. When human time is converted to money taxes on income from human time investments is not taxed.
The gross sale includes an automatic 10% U.S. Sales Tax. Pay off the national debt and then lower the tax rate and see what happens.
If you come up short and can’t pay your basic living, housing, utilities, transportation, education, and medical bills, the Federal Reserve Bank FRB will let you close all credit cards forever and then they will then lend you the money you need at 0% interest to make your other bills. You will pay the 0% interest loan money back over a lifetime of work.
The above described USA would be an Economic Utopia.
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